One of the characteristics of contemporary art is that artists use media as their methods of creation and creation, just like the multimedia art that we often hear about. And what is media? Media is the medium that carries information and the way we use it to spread information.
Photography refers to the image record of the reality of a certain moment by a photographer, and it express or disseminate certain information to the viewers, so it is classified as one types of media.
Photography technology was invented in the nineteenth century, which shocked to the world, especially to the art world, as the original art creations were mainly painting and sculpture. The emergence of photography technology caused the loss of "Aura" of artwork, which means the unique characteristics of the original artwork. The aura of a painting ceased to exist once it is being photographed. Painting was once considered to be the "reality", a way for painters to express what they see. It has considerable expressiveness and recordability. However, due to the emergence of photography technology, the recording function of painting has been replaced, and painting tends to develop expressively. As a result, the post-modern and contemporary expressions have emerged.
There are, however, still many controversies about whether photography can be regarded as an art. Photography, since its invention, has an important position and it has a great impact on human civilization. However, it is mainly due to its recording function that makes people emphasise its functional use. To classify an artwork, most people would consider whether an item can achieve a social function. An artwork is of high social value because of its rarity, yet photos, because of its composition, are not as rare as other artworks and do not contain property value. The mechanism of photography makes it reproducible hence the work is not a unique one, so most photos are not regarded as artworks or artistic expressions. Some people also believe that photos are a record of reality, which is different from the purpose of arts. The beauty of photos is only the beauty of the object being photographed, but not the creation of the photographer, so photography itself is not arts.
BENJAMIN, Walter. A Short History of Photography. 1931.
BENJAMIN, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. 1935.
BERGER, John. Understanding a Photograph. Penguin UK, 2013.
COTTON, Charlotte. The Photograph as Contemporary Art. Thames & Hudson, 2009.
ROSE, Gillian. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Interpreting Visual Materials. SAGE, 2011
阮義忠著,《攝影美學七問》,有鹿文化, 2016。